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5 Easy Tips To Make Back-To-School A Success
Photo by Norma Mortenson via Pexels
Photo by Norma Mortenson via Pexels
Rachel Anderson
Monday, Aug. 5, 2024

Summer is coming to an end, and your favorite local stores are filling up with pencils, pens, folders, calculators, and much more. Back to school season is in full swing! Are you ready? Follow these few tips to make sure you and your children start the year off with a bang!

Do Your Homework

Make sure to do your homework before your kids head back to school. Where is your bus stop? Does it pick up in front of your apartment community? Do you know when school starts? When will your kids have days off? Head to your school’s website where there are many important dates and resources. You can find your school calendar, supply list, and many answers to questions you didn’t even know you might have. Also, remember that your school’s counselors and teachers are always there to help!

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Photo Courtesy of Mary Taylor from Pexels

Get Prepared

If you are packing lunches, now is an excellent time to start stocking up on snacks, drinks and lunch items. Also, school supplies and uniforms are filling the stores, and some great sales are going on right now. Many states have a tax free weekend where you can buy tax-free school supplies, clothes, shoes, and computers. Check to see if it is offered in your area. It would be a great time to check items on your to-buy list!

Establish A Routine

The lazy days of summer are almost gone, and your children waking up after 10 AM will soon be in the past. Two weeks before school starts, start adjusting their bedtime and wake-up time little by little until you are on your normal school routine a few days before the first day of school. You want to make sure your kids are awake, alert, and ready for school, and not falling asleep at their desks.

Set Your Apartment Up For Success

Start the year with a plan to keep your student organized. Make sure that lunchboxes and backpacks get emptied and cleaned. Do you need to sign a planner? Have your child take it out and in a place in a spot for you to sign every day. To avoid a crazy, rushed morning, have your kiddo pick out their clothes for the next day and lay them out before they go to bed. Once homework starts, make sure you set up a quiet area away from distraction to complete their assignments.

Living room home office built in desk

Photo Courtesy of Camden Bay in Tampa, FL

Attend An Open House

If this is your little one’s first day of kindergarten or your almost 18 year old’s senior year; the open house is a must-attend event! You will help your child get the lay of the land, meet their teacher and calm their nerves ahead of the first day of school. Open House is also a great time to buy school shirts, rent lockers, set up a lunch card, or join the parent association. I highly recommend going every year.

school, blog, desk, student, students

Photo Courtesy of Yan Krukov from Pexels

With school in full swing and homework every night, I know it can get a little crazy around your apartment. Check out these helpful tools for busy parents on the go, and don’t forget to get that first day of school picture!

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